Sunday, February 18, 2007

Again... How Long We can Handle it?

Last nite, we spent long distance calling. He asked me again about our or maybe how much serious am I in this relationship. I didn't answer it, that's just silly question. He plainly said he was about 50:50. Hahaha... !!. Kalo misalnya dia bertemu dengan org yg lebih baik dan kejelasan ma kepastian hubungan ini ga ada, ya udah dia akan bersama org itu dan dia jg berharap atau mengijinkan gw tuk berbuat yg sama. (dihh... is he reading my mind? or my close friend who suggest me that). Dia cerita klo dulu... lebih ke ketertarikan fisik, namun sekarang dah beda lebih ke karakter dan kepribadian (rumah pribadi... de el el... ngga' tau lah yaww). Gw cerita jg ttg pengalaman gw naksir cwo keren (tiga2nya nama panggilannya R hehehe, ternyata 2 diantaranya grogian, ngga lucu, sok cool (sok cool sama really cool itu beda!), rada ga nyambung (tau sapa yg jaim) terus satunya lain suku yg satu ngerasa banget klo dia ganteng (hiks.. males deh gue.. klo ganteng tapi gagu siapa jg yg mau?? ada sih cwe yg lbh agresif hihihii...). klo yg terakhir tuh kebalikannya selain itu beda suku, brondong, playboy (wahhh.. tp emang cute kaya' artis sinetron berinisial H? yg mantannya masayu) dan selain itu dia jg anak buahnya stupin n silly ass. mgr yg ga gw suka karena ga bermoral (dia lagaknya jg dah mulai ky bosnya hihhhhh).
Then he told about his romance years ago, about his oriental 1st lv... (hahaha). About hairstyle n others, funny that he thought that my hair was highlighted. ( I told him when I had new hairstyle like AM in pink not about the color but style!, he thought that I was highlighted in pink! Duhh...!!! My hair was never coloured, my mom will mad to see it). He like bald style.. I told him I don't like if he is hairless. At least he had crew cut one or a half cm. gw bilang klo nekat bakal gw panggil tuyul atw shaolin. Terus nanya2 hal apa yg dianggep penting yg perlu dikonsultasikan. ini baru pembicaraan serius. Hmm.. ntar lanjut ke bag. 2

Again... How Long We can Handle it?


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I live far away from real world, livin' in dream. I love sleeping. My last record, I'm sleeping for about 36hr (not eat, not p''...No Way!!)Just kidding. I'm so childish (also had babyface appearance) n too shy. Now I'm learning photoshop CS for this blog. Wish Me Luck!

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